DATE: Thursday, June 4, 2020
12:00 - 13:30 Mountain Daylight Time
ONLINE PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION (See our notes on participating with ZOOM)
James Rude
James Rude is an Associate Professor in the Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (REES) at the University of Alberta. James conducts research in the areas of trade policy, agricultural marketing, and price analysis, specifically on the economic impacts of multilateral and regional integration agreements. He has published a recent article on COVID-19 and the Canadian beef sector, as well prior research on various Canadian agriculture policy instruments.
Valeria Piñeiro
Valeria Piñeiro received her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Maryland. Her research interests include international trade, development strategies and economic growth, growth linkages and regional dynamics. She has significant experience working in the areas of economic development and growth using General Equilibrium Models (CGE) as an analytical tool and has for the last several years led courses in many countries teaching the theory and application of CGE models.
Mod. 6 Pres. 1 – James Rude – The Critical Role of Coordinated Policy Action
Mod. 6 Pres. 2 – Valeria Piñeiro – The Critical Role of Coordinated Policy Action
Mod. 6 Discussion – James Rude and Valeria Piñeiro, moderated by Brent Swallow